Saturday, May 31, 2008

Questions #3

Each one of these questions, if you notice, helps to clarify purpose, strengths, I answer these, they will help me refocus for the next 7 years...

11. What have you learned about yourself as you’ve exercised your spiritual gifs?

12. Ask two or three people close to you how they would describe your strengths, weaknesses, and passions.

13. List your main talents, without shame.

14. What action words describe what you love to do, or would most love to do.

15. How would you describe your personality?

Friday, May 30, 2008

Questions #2

Here's my next set of questions...

6. What are your primary strengths?

7. What are your biggest weaknesses?

8. In your work experiences, at what have you excelled? With what have you struggled the most?

9. Which of your achievements have given you the greatest satisfaction?

10. What are your primary spiritual gifts?

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Questions #1

I have a list of questions I'm going to work through over the seven-weeks of our Sabbatical. I'll share the questions over the next few days...

1. What biblical passages has god used deeply in your life?

2. How have these passages shaped your view of life and the world?

3. How has God used you significantly in the past?

4. What are you passionate about?

5. Think about some of the deepest disappointments you have experienced. What have they taught you about how God has wired you?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


24 Days and counting

Gas is giving me pain

Watching the price of gas.

Our plans may change because we won't be able to afford to leave town!

Plus, our Passat is in the shop getting fixed. $1,000 down and still lots to fix...

Maybe we'll get to Yellowstone and not be able to afford to come back. ha!

I might have to become a park ranger.

So Much

Just 3 weekends to go before we take off. So much to do.

Have to sit down tonight with Kiley and make a list of what needs to get done.

Now it's crunch time.

Ever notice how you can get more done when it's crunch time?