There was no event or snafu in the Skor house that brought this post on other than I've just been watching these two grow up lately and have been filled with a growing love for these two boney boys. So here's 10 Things I Love About My Boys (in no particular order):
- Their sense humor - they make me laugh - every day!
- Their hair - seriously, they both have crazy hair.
- Their creativity - you should hear the ideas that spurt from their brains.
- Their obsessions - I wonder where they get obsessiveness from?! hmm
- Their kindness - they are known by their friends, parents, coaches and teachers for their kindness.
- Their honesty - Although, when they're talking about my waistline, they COULD do with less honesty.
- Their artistry - both have a love for art, which I love.
- Their love for wrestling - There is nothing like pounding on your kids at the end of a long day. :-)
- Their love for reading - what can we say, it runs in the family.
- Their pursuit of God - there is nothing like hearing your children talk about learning about the very real God.