Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Future jobs

I forgot to add another fun moment today on our way back from school. Ian was talking about what he wants to be when he grows up. He said, "I've decided what I'm going to do. When I grow up, I'll be a scientist at the time when I have classes right now, then when I'm not doing that, I'll be a secret agent. I can use the days I normally have PE and Spanish to be a singer and then I'll be an animal doctor on the weekends." I can't wait to see his time management skills :).

Tough Love

So I had an "Ian" moment putting him to bed tonight. He wanted to sleep on his fuzzy decorative fake fur pillow. Since it's not really washable, I told him we would put it next to him instead of sleeping on it. Of course, he had to ask why he couldn't sleep on it. When I explained that we drool in our sleep and I didn't want a bunch of drool on it, he told me HE doesn't drool when he sleeps. I said maybe he's right (I don't really remember finding a bunch of drool spots on his big pillow), but his daddy and I both drool really bad and it might be in the genes. He thought on this for a bit and then gave me his parting words for the night..."I love you anyway, even though you drool." Isn't that what real love is about?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

How do people do it?

I've thought a lot about this, this summer. How do we, as human beings, live with ourselves? :-)

We say we believe in and value something and then we ACT in direct contradiction to that fact. It's not just believing in God and then acting as if we don't...that's a pretty big thing and it confuses me every time. It's also small things. Things like, "I think that being healthy is important" and then we eat chocolate chip cookies until we're sick. Or a boss who says, "As a company, we value (you fill in the blank)" and then, when a staff member begins to act as if he/she values that, the boss expresses disappointment.

I'm thankful for a God who understands that people are trapped in sin and is quick to forgive and help. I'm not so patient with people, or even myself, for that matter...but He is.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Say what?

We had lunch at "The Club" after church this morning (aka Sam's club).

While there I noticed that, in the seasonal section, they were putting CHRISTMAS stuff out!

Now, I like Christmas more than most people, and will often listen to Christmas music throughout the year...but to have Christmas decorations out in September?!!?!

That's just ridiculous...