Thursday, October 9, 2008

Jesus Moments

So, I've been attempting to use car rides to school for some teaching moments.

My latest endeavor has been to challenge the boys on the way to school to think about one thing they can do that day that Jesus would want them to do. I promise to ask them after school.

So, on the first day we were sitting around the supper table together and I asked the question, "What did you do today that you think Jesus wanted you to do?"

Brendon -- "I invited a friend to go to AWANA because I thought it might be good for him and he might enjoy it..." and then, a little quieter, "...and I get points when he comes."

Ok, he's close, but the motivation needs some help. :-)

Ian -- (said without any hesitation or thought) "I went to the library!"

"You think going to the library was what Jesus wanted you to do today?"



"Because I got a book called 'Backyard Detective' that teaches me about the stuff in my backyard that God made."

Hmmm...his associative skills astound me, but I probably have some more work to do as we drive in the mornings.

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