Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Adventures at MacWorld

I'm spending the day by myself at a haven for Techy Geeks...at least those who love Macs - MacWorld, San Francisco.

As I write, I'm surrounded by more macs, iPhones and iPods than I've ever seen...and, what's amazing to me is people are from every walk of life. Every age, every background...you name it.

I'm also hearing conversations about tech stuff that I have no idea how to interpret. :-)

I'm looking forward to a day just to wander, and, believe it or not...to listen. I try to take a day at the beginning of every year just to go off by myself and listen for the Spirit's voice for the coming year. He's been so good to us, and I've been sensing for some time that a new chapter for the Skor family is just around the corner. I'm anxious to hear what He has to say today as I wander and He and I have our ongoing dialogue throughout the day.

How much fun is this? I get to spend the day alone with my Heavenly Father AND enjoy geek gadgets galore!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope you had a good day Mike! I can tell you a day of reflection at Mac World would have beat out my day at work. Hands down!! And I am not even a Mac guy!! :-). Have a safe drive home!