Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Macworld - 1st Round

Well, I just wandered through the 1st Expo hall full of hundreds of exhibitors.

I met the creators of Missing Sync, one of my favorite products. It syncs every kind of phone with your mac. It's always fun to meet people who I follow via the online world.

I also walked by the big Microsoft booth. I'm going to go back in a bit and plead the case for tasks to sync between Entourage and Microsoft Exchange. You'd think with a business app, they'd have that figured out.

The Apple booth was a ton of fun to stop in and play with all the new products. The new iPhoto with facial recognition is pretty amazing. That'll save me so much time. Plus, I'm anxious to try out Garage Band's new tutorial for teaching guitar and piano with the boys. If we combine computers with music, Brendon will be in heaven!

I've seen everything here from mac-driven digital drums, to every peripheral device and cover there is...I feel a little out of place being one of the few without an iPhone though. :-)

I'm sitting here looking at the Mac Company store full of t-shirts and hats. It's calling to me, so I may have to outfit the family in Mac gear...

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