Saturday, July 12, 2008

Board Games

Jason and I have had a board game marathon over the last several days.

Here are some of the games we've played thus far:
  • Return of the Heroes - A great and not too complicated game with a "Lord of the Rings" kind of theme. The kids played with us as well, so that was fun. (Rylan won this one)
  • Ticket to Ride Switzerland - a new expansion. (Kiley won this one)
  • Triominoes - not a new game, but our wives wanted to play a game with us that had nothing to do with strategy (or thinking, but I can't say that out loud).
  • Settler's of Catan Card Game - the original (I won this one)
  • Settler's of Catan Card Game - Politics and Intrigue expansion (Jason won this one)
  • Settler's of Catan Card Game - Knights and Barbarians Expansion (Jason won this one)
  • Settler's of Catan Card Game - Wizards and Dragons Expansion (I won this one)

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