Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Morning in West Yellowstone

Woke up late (for me) this morning and went for a short run around town to stretch out the muscles that haven't been used while traveling. The altitude is a little different here. I found myself running out of breath quickly.

It was a cool night. We had to run the heater in the trailer which worked well. The sky was clear and you could see stars that you never could see in California.

We didn't get to bed until about midnight last night. Part of it was just finally being in one place and enjoying the cool weather. We put up the awning and screen porch with the outdoor lighting and that made it incredible to sit out. Otherwise, t he mosquitoes are so thick, they would have carried Ian away.

Kiley's folks showed up and are in their tent on the other side of the campground. The boys were thrilled to see them. Tom fed them sugar for about 3 hours. At 10 last night I walked into the camper and found Ian just jumping up and down over and over and over. He was so wired from the sugar and the excitement of finally being here that he couldn't help himself.

Walt, Monica, Blake and Gillian Anderson stopped by around 10:30. They've been in the park since Sunday afternoon and have been having an incredible time. Monica, in her usual thoughtful way, had maps of a bunch of the sights for us to see. We're going to hook up with them today, maybe for breakfast, but definitely on the north side of the park to do some sight seeing together before they head north to Walt's dad's homestead near Miles City. We may hook up with them in Rapid City in a few days as well.

I'm having a hard time concentrating this morning. Haven't been able to read, pray, or think about much of anything for more than a few seconds without really concentrating. Not sure why...maybe just thinking about the day, but it bugs me.

I'm hearing the first stirrings from inside the trailer, perhaps the family is beginning to wake up.

Now, to make bacon, eggs, and pancakes. Nothing like eating breakfast outdoors.

Also, have to check on the truck transmission, it's giving me a few fits. I'm praying it's no big deal.

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