Thursday, June 26, 2008

Yellowstone Sum Up

June 27th-It¹s 11 o¹clock and we¹re planning on a long day tomorrow to try
and make Devil¹s Tower, so I can¹t even begin to go into detail about these
past three days at Yellowstone. I¹ll need to do that later.

It¹s been wonderful sharing this experience with both my children and my
parents. My dad was here in 1955 when he was 9 years old (ironically, the
exact age Brendon is this trip). He remembers quite a bit and it¹s been
fascinating to hear him tell what he remembers from that trip. Old Faithful
was a particular favorite as he had the most memories of that location. We
managed to see Old Faithful¹s show three times over the past two days. One
of those was this afternoon as we sat on the second floor deck of the Old
Faithful Inn. It doesn¹t get much better than that!

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