Thursday, June 26, 2008

Odds and Ends of Traveling

June 23rd- We are on the second day of our monster sabbatical trip and we¹ve
already had lots to talk about. Yesterday we headed out of town, albeit a
little later than we originally intended. The boys are amazing little
travelers. Ian had a couple of meltdowns; however the first one was
obviously due to hunger and the second was just before he fell over from
exhaustion and slept an hour and a half.

ShowersŠlet me just say, when I¹m too short for the shower head and am
struggling to keep from touching the walls, the darn thing is entirely too
small. I also had a couple of interesting experiences while showering this
morning. The first is summed up in the phrase extreme water temperature
fluctuation. The second was my own fault. I thought I was being smart buying
the cheaper body shower gel. Next time I¹ll check the label more closely.
This particular type clearly states it has ground up pomegranate pits for
exfoliation. While that sounds fancy and high end, the reality is that the
stupid stuff feels like sandpaper and ³exfoliates² the top layer of skin.
Michael didn¹t want to brave the showers this morning. I haven¹t told him
about the soap yet. I expect to be amused later tonight.

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